Upcoming Events

Daylong Retreat - Ralph De La Rosa

Daylong Retreat - Ralph De La Rosa

 Self-Compassion: The Power to Outshine Difficulties and Break Cycles

Joining Buddhist Meditation with the Internal Family Systems Model

A Daylong Retreat
Saturday, March 15th, 10am–5pm 

$50-$150 No one will be turned away due to inability to pay. 

Open to all levels and experience of practice. There will be an hour lunch break. 


“Self energy, buddha nature, the open-hearted state, Source, Lovepick a term that sits well with you. Whatever you call your basic nature, it’s already here. The search is over. Go inside and get started. Plant your seeds and tend your river from this place. This is the spirituality of healing our lives—of outshining trauma.”

—Ralph De La Rosa, Outshining Trauma: A New Vision of Radical Self-Compassion


The Buddha taught that radical compassion is synonymous with full awakening, and that one must begin with compassion for oneself. Compassion is a healer, an alchemical force, a grossly underestimated state of heart and mind. Self-compassion could heal every part of you, if stayed with long enough. Self-compassion opens the door to the deepest of insights. 


This daylong retreat is a primer in how to open to this presence in meditation and extend it towards parts of the psyche stuck on the treadmill of affliction. Utilizing the integration of Buddhism and the Internal Family Systems model presented in Ralph De La Rosa’s new book Outshining Trauma (foreword by Richard Schwartz), this daylong retreat will offer you:

Teachings from the Buddhist Lojong 

A crash course in IFS and why it complements the Dharma so well

Breath techniques for opening space in the heart-mind

Meditations for directly experiencing of buddha nature 

Meditations for extending self-compassion to parts of the psyche caught in affliction



Ralph De La Rosa (they/he) is the author of three books, including the new Outshining Trauma: A New Vision of Radical Compassion (foreword by Richard Schwartz). He is a psychotherapist in private practice and a longtime meditation teacher known for his radically honest and humorous approach. 

Perhaps most crucial is that Ralph walks the path of outshining trauma alongside the people he works with. He is a survivor of PTSD, heroin addiction, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and liver failure. Walking through these matters with the help of profound therapists and mentors has been an empowerment no school could have offered. It is simply part of his path to offer back what he’s been shown.

Ralph has mentored personally with Richard Schwartz, founder of the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy, known for its efficacy in healing trauma. Ralph has completed an invite-only advanced teacher training with Jack Kornfield. He began meditation in 1996 and has taught since 2008. Ralph is also an intersectional activist, musician, wannabe acrobat, and outdoor enthusiast. He currently resides in Seattle, WA.


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Untangled: 4 steps to releasing the heart

SATURDAY OCT, 26 10am to 4pm

Life can be tough. And if we're not careful, we might find ourselves tangled in patterns of reactivity and pain. But the Buddhist path offers us a way to untangle the tangles and step into freedom. In this daylong retreat, visiting teacher nico hase will offer reflections and practices that help us understand where the tangles come from, and how to gradually release ourselves from their grip. Join us for a day of meditation and inquiry as we walk the path together to greater freedom, connection, and space.

The day will begin with an hour of conversation and an opening talk around the theme. We’ll then sit and walk for four hours in lightly guided practice, before reconvening for a closing talk and further dialogue.



10am. Conversations and Talk 1
11:00.  Meditation 1
11:40. Walking
12:00.  Meditation 2
12:30 Lunch
1:00.   Meditation 3
1:40.   Walking
2:00.   Meditation 4
2:40 Walking
3:00 Talk
3:30.   Q&A
4:00.   End


nico hase lived in a monastery for six years before earning a PhD in counseling psychology and becoming an Insight Meditation teacher full time. He currently mentors mindfulness teachers, teaches online and in-person retreats, and speaks with students in one-on-one sessions. He and his beloved life partner devon are the authors of How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Buddhist Survival Guide for Modern Life. Find out more at www.devonandnicohase.com


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Flowering Lotus Meditation Presents - Wild Heart Summer Retreat
to Jul 21

Flowering Lotus Meditation Presents - Wild Heart Summer Retreat

In retreat, through careful and sustained mindfulness, we experience for ourselves the ever-changing flow of the mind-body process. Meditation is the vehicle through which we develop the clarity and compassion needed to accept more fully the pleasure and pain, fear and joy, sadness and happiness that life inevitably brings. As insight deepens, we develop greater peace in the face of change—we develop a capacity to meet each arising and passing moment with a deep curiosity, compassion, and wisdom.

This retreat will be held in noble silence, with designated times for group interviews to support your practice. There will be daily periods of meditation instructions, Dharma talks, mindful movement, as well as silent sitting and walking meditation.

This course is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.

*When budgeting for the cost of this retreat please also consider that we ask you to contribute dana to teachers at the conclusion of the event.


Rev. Mikey Noechel, MS Mikey Noechel is a Buddhist teacher who has been empowered to teach in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions through the authorization of Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni and Ven. Pannadipa Bhikkhu. Mikey also holds a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. He integrates these two worlds: the old school Buddhist teachings with new school psychology, in a way to help individuals free themselves from suffering of all kinds. Mikey is a teacher at Wild Heart Meditation Center in Nashville, TN and he regularly brings Buddhist meditation into treatment centers, jails, and a variety of settings.

Andrew Chapman, LMSW Andrew Chapman is the co-director & guiding teacher at Wild Heart Meditation Center in Nashville, TN. He teaches weekly groups, intensive Buddhist study programs and trainings, and meditation retreats. Andrew is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a psychotherapy practice and also provides training and lectures for students and professionals in the fields of education and mental health. Andrew has had extensive training in both the Thai Forest & Burmese methods of practice. He is authorized to teach in the Buddhist lineage through Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California.

*Schedule detail will be posted soon.

Retreat Center Direction : https://www.stmaryssewanee.org/directions

Retreat Pricing & Expected Support for Teachers


As part of the Buddhist tradition, the teachers of this retreat do not receive any of the retreat fees, apart from travel reimbursement. Their time and teachings are freely offered to the community of practitioners. As a practice of generosity from the heart, participants are invited to offer “dana” (donations-generosity) to the teachers at the end of the retreat. Thank you for your support.

These registration costs pay for your room and meals and some of the costs it takes Flowering Lotus Meditation to continue to host phenomenal meditation Buddhist teachers in the south. Some of the costs include, but are not limited to, teacher travel. insurance, web and marketing, staff and retreat center costs, deposits and rental fees, accounting, event management software, payment processing, etc.

By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you support our ability to meet the large number of requests we receive for financial aid.

Benefactor: Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals, $575

Supporter: Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals, $545


Our teachers rely sole on the generosity of the students for their livelihood. Teachers receive no compensation for teaching at Flowering Lotus Meditation. Please plan to give generously to our teachers at the end of the retreat.

If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact

Beth Herzig, Executive Director



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Guest Teacher Ethan Nichtern - CONFIDENCE: Holding Your Seat Through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds

Guest Teacher Ethan Nichtern - CONFIDENCE: Holding Your Seat Through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds

In today’s culture of intense polarization and constant change, author Ethan Nichtern demonstrates how do to find the confidence to navigate life’s challenges.  At this inspiring event based on his new book Confidence, Ethan will explore mindfulness and use the lens of the Buddhist concept of the Eight Worldly Winds, the four paired opposites of praise and blame, pleasure and pain, fame and insignificance, and success and failure, to offer a fresh perspective on what being confident can really mean.

“The ability to stay present with a difficult moment or uncomfortable emotion is called ‘holding your seat.’” writes Nichtern. “To hold your seat means to demonstrate confidence without bluster. This power comes from presence, from knowing that life is full of forces that can make you either howl at the wind or go hide in a corner, and understanding that these forces are never going to stop moving.”


Ethan Nichtern is the author of Confidence: Holding Your Seat through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds and several other titles, including the widely acclaimed The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path. A renowned contemporary Buddhist teacher and the host of The Road Home Podcast, Nichtern has offered meditation and Buddhist psychology classes at conferences, meditation centers, yoga studios, and universities, including Brown, Yale, and NYU. He has been featured by CNN, NPR, the New York TimesVogue, and Business Insider and has written for the Huffington Post, BeliefnetLion’s RoarTricycleBuddhadharma, and more. He lives in Brooklyn. Visit him online at http://www.EthanNichtern.com.

There is no sign up or charge for this event. Donations are welcomed to support WHMC. Copies of Confidence: Holding Your Seat through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds will be available to purchase.

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LOVING KINDNESS ALL DAY - A Day Long Metta Retreat w/ Rev. Mikey Noechel & Maddie Finn


“Even as a mother protects with her life, her child, her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings.” - The Buddha, Karaniya Metta Sutta


Metta, or loving kindness, is the practice of inclining the mind towards intentional friendliness and goodwill. The purpose of our day together is to promote kind attitudes towards ourselves and others. Our day will be spent in sitting meditation, walking meditation, and group sharing. Rev. Mikey Noechel and Maddie Finn will provide guidance and instructions as a way to focus on practical loving kindness meditation methods.

The path of loving kindness brings us a tangible practice which guides us towards genuine happiness in any moment. Through diligent effort, loving kindness meditation has the potential to free the mind from self-doubt, pity, hatred, resentment, restricting fear, jealousy, indifference, and a variety of hindering thought processes.  


·       This event will be at Wild Heart Meditation Center from 10am-4pm on Sat. Feb. 24th.

·       We ask that participants commit to staying for the entirety of the retreat.

·       The day will be spent in silence, with periods for Q&As and group sharing.

·       Meditation cushions and chairs are provided.

·       There will be an hour lunch break.

·       This day of practice is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.


$50-$150 sliding scale. Please pay to your highest financial ability within the sliding scale.

Scholarships are available upon request. Email mikey@wildheartmeditationcenter.org for details. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

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11.18.23 - Recovering Faith


Recovering Faith: an exploration of confidence in the path, practices, and possibility of liberation

Do you struggle with the idea of faith? Are you completely confident in the path of liberation? Does your experience lie somewhere in between? Excellent - this workshop is for you!

Join Don and Rachael for a half-day practice intensive including formal and relational mindfulness practices, dharma talks, and creative exploration of lineage and community.

9am to 2pm - Saturday November 18, 2023


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Buddhist Study Series (Registration Closed)



WHMC Buddhist Study Series

Five-Month Intensive Buddhist Study Program:

This 5-month program is designed as an interactive and educational study of Buddhist concepts and practices as outlined through the Early Buddhist tradition. The course curriculum will focus on themes related to the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, and the Four Brahmaviharas. There will be educational lectures and assignments (assigned texts, articles, and audio recordings), as well as guided practices related to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness & the Brahamaviharas (Heart Practices). The program is appropriate for beginners, as well as those with long-term practice.

This course will be taught by Rev. Mikey Noechel, MS & Andrew Chapman, LMSW

Scheduled Dates (the 2nd Saturday of every month) from 10am – 4pm:

October 14th 2023 - November 11th 2023 - December 9th 2023 - January 13th 2024 - February 10th 2024

We will be reading the following texts, in order:

1. “Buddhism: A Concise Introduction” by Huston Smith & Philip Novak

a. ASSIGNMENT – Due by Oct 14th - Read up to pg. 88 [Finish the book if you can]

2. “The Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering” by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Registration & Payment:

To register for the event please click the “register” link above. Please also submit payment via the “payment” link above by October 1st at the latest.

Cost: $550 – $975 (Sliding Scale) for the 5 months. Full payment is preferred by October 1st; however, if you need to make monthly payments feel free to set that up through the PayPal link above (“Payment”) with the first payment due by October 1st.”

You may also pay via Venmo by sending payment to @wildheartnashville with the comment “Buddhist Study Series”

Please pay to your highest financial ability within the sliding scale – lower sliding scale rates are intended for those needing financial support. There is limited space, please register as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

If you have any inquiries, please contact: mikey@wildheartmeditationcenter.org

** Registration Deadline is October 1st**

WHMC Study Programs & Trainings:

In order to better serve our mission, Wild Heart Meditation Center offers a series of intensive study & training programs, which will support the on-going development of dedicated practitioners and leadership in the community.

The “Buddhist Study Series” will be a pre-requisite course for those interested in a later offering, WHMC’s “Dedicated Practitioner’s Group: Living The Dharma”, followed by an opportunity to be considered for participation in a year-long WHMC “Buddhist Meditation Facilitator Training”.

These 3 programs will unfold gradually over the course of the next couple years. More information will be offered during the Buddhist Study Series course, but is also available upon request.

Regardless of your intention to pursue the subsequent study programs & trainings, we hope that you will consider participating in the Buddhist Study Series if you have a general interest in exploring these teachings and practices with a dedicated community. Anyone is welcome to participate.

We are offering two full scholarships for BIPOC & LGBT folks. Please email mikey@wildheartmeditationcenter.org to inquire into these scholarship opportunities.

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Pizza & Movie Night

Join us for another pizza and movie night on Saturday, August 26th! We’ll be watching the documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” showcasing the modern Boddhisatva, Fred Rogers, more widely known as Mr. Rogers! We’ll have vegetarian and vegan pizza available from 5 Points pizza. Unfortunately, we’re unable to accommodate gluten free needs. Doors open at 6:30 and the movie begins at 7. We’ll also celebrate our sangha member Ryan as he prepares to go to Nepal for a 3-month retreat. We welcome donations for pizza (please include Pizza & Movie in the comment)!


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A Scientific Approach to Pain Through the Teaching of the Two Arrows


In this half day workshop, we’ll explore the arising and experience of pain from a scientific lens and where that intersects with meditation, mindfulness, and Buddhist teachings. The workshop will be co-led by pain psychologist and researcher Carrie Brintz and Nashville POC Sangha co-founder Jennifer Wang. The day will include guided meditations, talks, and group discussion. Tea and light snacks will be provided. Open to all, no meditation experience needed!

This program benefits the Native American Indian Association of TN (NAIA). The price of the program is $30-$120 sliding scale, with 50% of all proceeds going to NAIA. No one will be turned away for lack of funds (email WildHeartNashville@gmail.com for more info on the sliding scale). Current members of NAIA are invited to attend at no cost. To learn more about NAIA or to become a supporting member, click here.

About NAIA

NAIA is the only statewide non-profit organization with an all-Indian Executive Board of Directors elected by the membership. NAIA represents the concerns of the more than 30,000 Native American Indian residents of Tennessee. NAIA is a service organization based on the principles of self-determination and self-reliance.

NAIA strives to represent all Native American Indians regardless of sex or tribe. Because there are no reservations in Tennessee, there has been no state or federal recognition of the Indian population and no services directed to them.

Jennifer Wang

Jennifer grew up in Los Angeles (Tongva land) alongside her twin sister, younger sister, mother and father, who moved to the US as teenagers from Taiwan and Hong Kong, respectively.

Jennifer has been a regular practitioner of mindfulness and meditation for over 15 years in the Theravada Insight, Shambhala, and Plum Village traditions. She has sat multiple residential and silent retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, Deer Park Monastery, Magnolia Grove Monastery, Southern Dharma, and other beautiful retreat centers close to nature. She has also completed multiple instructor certification courses, including in the Shambhala and Insight traditions and at Vanderbilt University.

Jennifer is the co-founder of the Nashville POC Sangha, a facilitator at One Dharma and Wild Heart meditation centers, serves on the board of API Middle TN and is a member of the Native American Indian Association of TN and the Wellbeing Economy Alliance.

Carrie Brintz

Carrie began practicing mindfulness meditation in the Theravada Insight tradition over 10 years ago and has attended several silent meditation retreats. While completing her doctoral psychology internship, she worked at a pain management clinic where she helped people struggling with chronic pain conditions. There, she recognized the immense benefit that mindfulness meditation practice could have for easing the suffering of those living with ongoing pain.

Currently, Carrie works as a licensed psychologist and researcher in the Division of Pain Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She has received training in mindfulness instruction through the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Vanderbilt, as well as training to provide Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy through the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto, Canada. She conducts research to study the potential benefits of mindfulness programs to improve the quality-of-life of those with chronic pain and post-surgical pain.

Carrie lives in Nashville with her husband and 2-year old son. She enjoys spending quality time with her family, being outdoors, and eating delicious vegetarian food

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to Jul 9

Interdependence Day Weekend Retreat

Compassion, or karuṇā, is the intentional practice of meeting pain with love. The Buddha taught that we will all be faced with life’s inevitable sorrows. Through the cultivational of compassion meditation we are able to develop a heart which is unconditionally nurturing, even in the presence of suffering.

In retreat, through sustained meditation practice, we will soften the protective layers which keep us estranged from our own authentic hearts and embrace the fullness of our internal experience. Meditation is the vehicle through which we develop the clarity and kindness needed to accept more fully the pleasure and pain, fear and joy, sadness and happiness that life inevitably brings.

In this retreat, we will focus on the specific meditation practice: Compassion.
It is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.

 This retreat will be held in noble silence, with designated times for group interviews to support your practice. There will be daily periods of meditation instructions and Dharma talks offered by the teachers, as well as silent sitting and walking meditation periods with community.

 Your room will be provided, and you will enjoy three vegetarian freshly prepared meals daily. 

 *When budgeting for the cost of this retreat please also consider that we ask you to contribute dana to teachers at the conclusion of the event.


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Pizza & Movie Night | “Wandering…But Not Lost”

Pizza & Movie Night | “Wandering…But Not Lost”

About the movie: 

Under cover of darkness and with no word of his plans, much-beloved Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche walked away from his life on the international stage to live that of a wandering yogi. Unheard of among eminent teachers today, such a practice is filled with hardships. For Mingyur Rinpoche, these challenges—begging, finding food and shelter, illness, and all the related risks of wandering incognito from place to place with the barest of possessions—present fertile ground for deepening insight into the true nature of the mind. Wandering . . . But Not Lost is an intimate account of Mingyur Rinpoche's four-and-a-half-year retreat interspersed with Rinpoche’s own guidance in applying Buddhist wisdom to our daily modern lives that will touch—and inspire—audiences everywhere.

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Half day Workshop for Musicians & Music Industry Professionals with Maddie Finn | Mudita - The Antidote to Jealousy & Envy ($30 suggested donation)

Half day Workshop for Musicians & Music Industry Professionals with Maddie Finn | Mudita - The Antidote to Jealousy & Envy ($30 suggested donation)

This half day meditation workshop is geared specifically for folks within the music industry. There is a particularly insidious flavor of jealousy and envy that permeates throughout the culture of the music industry. The most effective antidote is tapping into heart and our capacity for gratitude and sympathetic joy. This is the heart practice of Mudita, translated loosely as sympathetic joy, gratitude or non attached appreciation. Come join us as we take a deep dive into how this simple meditation practice can help alleviate suffering caused by jealousy and envy within the music industry. We will be learning and practicing the many angles of Mudita and how it pertains specifically to our experience within the music space.

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An Evening with Dave Smith

An Evening with Dave Smith

Dave Smith is an internationally recognized Buddhist meditation teacher, addiction treatment specialist, and published author. His background is rooted in the Insight Meditation tradition and he was empowered to teach through the Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. He has extensive experience bringing meditative interventions into jails, prisons, youth detention centers and addiction treatment facilities. Dave teaches residential meditation retreats and classes, provides trainings and consulting in both secular and Buddhist contexts, and works with students through his meditation mentoring program. He recently founded the Secular Dharma Foundation and lives in Paonia, Colorado.

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