Will you continue virtual programming as you increase on site in-person meetings?
We are currently exploring ways of continuing virtual offerings for our community.
Is there any charge for attendance?
Although donations are encouraged for the stability of the community, there are no ‘set’ dues or fees for any of our classes or programs. No one is ever turned away from any WHMC programming due to lack of financial ability. As a non-profit, all donations solely support the day-to-day operations of the organization. Facilitators are not compensated for their service. We rely solely on the generous donations of those who attend our programs and weekly groups to keep our facility open. If you are financially able, please consider offering a donation when attending any of our groups (suggested $22). Becoming a monthly supporter allows us to budget for future plans. Also, please consider offering the ‘suggested donation’ price for any special events, retreats, workshops, etc. Wild Heart Meditation Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.
What if I do not identify as a Buddhist? Can I still come?
The Buddha’s teaching is radically pragmatic, centered around a core commitment to non-harming. In both theory and practice, Buddhist principles are universal and share a common thread with most spiritual and humanist traditions. The Buddha encouraged people, through mindful awareness, ethical practices, and community support, to work towards alleviating the suffering of all beings, including oneself. At Wild Heart Meditation Center, we are simply interested in putting these principles into action. There is no need to consider yourself “Buddhist” to practice here.
Where does my donation money go?
There are no set fees for our events, and WHMC receives very little outside funding. We rely on the support of our community expressed in many forms. People offer their resources, time, and skills to WHMC, according to their ability. The system of Dana (generous giving) has been the cornerstone of keeping Buddhist communities intact for over 2,600 years. The practice of generosity invites us to participate in the world by expressing gratitude and generosity help to keep the wheel of the Dharma turning.
Practicing Dana, we directly challenge the clinging and attachment that gives rise to suffering. We also practice wise intention when we give freely and willingly in the service of the Dharma.
We rely on the direct service of many community members to maintain our day-to-day operations. If you’d like to learn more about volunteering please go to our volunteer page
What should I expect from a weekly class?
We a wide-variety of classes and programs. Typically, our weekly classes include some type of guided meditation, educational topic, and discussion. When you arrive, simply find a seat and participate in the class in a way that feels comfortable to you. The majority of our programming is appropriate for both completely new and experienced practitioners. Feel free to attend any offerings that peak your interest (unless the group explicitly states that it has a “requirement for attendance”). You make also take a look at our guidelines as a reference for basic etiquette in our groups.
What can I expect when I attend a “Half-Day Retreat” or “Day Retreat”?
“Half-Day” or “Day long Retreats” are offered regularly at Wild Heart Meditation Center so that attendees can dedicate extended time to practicing meditation. A trained facilitator will offer instructions in a variety of meditation exercises. The instructions will most often be appropriate for both new and experienced meditators, though some events have prerequisites which are clearly posted. People usually find “Half-Day” or “Day long Retreats” to be a great way to dive deeper into the meditative practices offered by the Buddha. Wild Heart periodically offers residential retreats at other facilities.
What can I expect from a Study Series or Workshop?
From time to time, Wild Heart Meditation Center will offer “Study Series” or “Workshop” programs. These are usually educational and facilitated by an experienced professional in the particular field being emphasized. You can expect educational lectures, experiential activities, and group discussion at these events.
How do I become a facilitator?
Wild Heart offers facilitator training which is typically a 3 year commitment, comprised of several courses. We prioritize Wild Heart authorized facilitators for weekly programming.
Can I rent the facility?
Contact us for pricing and availability.