Agreements for Multicultural Interactions
Borrowed from our friends at East Bay Meditation Center and adapted from Visions Inc., “Guidelines for Productive Work Sessions”
Try It On: Be willing to “try on” new ideas, or ways of doing things that might not be what you prefer or are familiar with.
Practice Self Focus: Attend to and speak about your own experiences and responses. Do not speak for a whole group or express assumptions about the experience of others.
Understand The Difference Between Intent & Impact: Try to understand and acknowledge impact. Denying the impact of something said by focusing on intent is often more destructive than the initial interaction.
Practice “Both / And”: When speaking, substitute “and” for “but.” This practice acknowledges and honors multiple realities.
Refrain From Blaming Or Shaming Self & Others: Practice giving skillful feedback.
Move Up / Move Back: Encourage full participation by all present. Take note of who is speaking and who is not. If you tend to speak often, consider “moving back” and vice versa.
Practice Mindful Listening: Try to avoid planning what you’ll say as you listen to others. Be willing to be surprised, to learn something new. Listen with your whole self.
Confidentiality: Take home learnings, but don’t identify anyone other than yourself, now or later. If you want to follow up with anyone regarding something they said during a session, ask first and respect their wishes.
Right To Pass: You can say “I pass” if you don’t wish to speak.
Our Guidelines
For the ease and benefit of all attending our on site programming, please note the following:
Masks are available upon request, but not required
We ask that you turn your phone off before entering the building
We ask that you please remove your shoes before entering the Dharma hall
Avoid bringing in drinks without lids and food into the Dharma hall
High touch surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected between group meetings
Promoting A Supportive Atmosphere
We invite you to observe some practices that will make the shared experience more rewarding for our community. Please let our facilitators know if we may do anything to make our facility more accessible for your needs and safety.
We ask that you attempt to stay for the duration of the class or group in order to minimize distractions and show respect for:
The teachings
The teacher
The community
If you come in late, please enter and find your place quietly
During a session please refrain from the following unless otherwise instructed:
Lying down, with the exception of physical need