Recommended Reading List
”Satipatthana: Direct Path of Realization” by Analayo
”Buddhism without Beliefs” Stephen Batchelor
”Confession of a Buddhist Atheist” Stephen Batchelor
”The Spirit of the Buddha” Martine Batchelor
”Eight fold path” Bhikkhu Bodi
”Radical Acceptance” Tara Brach
”The Experience of Insight” Joseph Goldstein
”Insight Meditation” Joseph Goldstein
”One Dharma” Joseph Goldstein
”The Miracle of Mindfulness” Thich Naht Hhan
”Old Path White Clouds” Thich Naht Hhan
”A Path with Heart” Jack Kornfield
”Seeking the Heart of Wisdom” Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein
”A Gradual Awakening” Steven Levine
”Dancing with Life” Phillip Moffitt
“Unlimiting Mind” Andrew Olendski
”What the Buddha Taught” Walpola Rahula
”Breath by Breath” Larry Rosenberg
”Loving-kindness” Sharon Salzberg
”Buddhism, A Concise Introduction” Smith & Novak
”Turning the Wheel” Ajahn Sucitto